The end of the day. Birchen Edge isn't really a favourite for Mary and I, but Fi had never been there so that was reason enough to go, and we also thought it might not be so windy with it being more sheltered. 

We were wrong about the wind, which was increasingly blustery so that we were likely to be knocked off balance, and it's tiring fighting it.

Fi and I wasted some time retrieving a bit of gear which I'd failed to get out when seconding, shock horror! Fi had lead it by thrutching up a horrible deep V groove, during which I was totally prepared for her to slip. When it was my turn there was no way I was doing any thrutching and I found a way up one side of the groove, but that meant that the cam was impossible to get out.

Mary was on fire, and she had to be really because Julia didn't want to do any leading. Good on yer Mary!

A very good, if very tiring because we're not used to it day.

P.S. I'm glad they're suitably socially distanced.

P.P.S. I'm sure Fi has some balls she's not letting on about! Or perhaps it's just down to her being a helluva runner.

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