
I was so pleased to meet up with these lovely ladies this morning. 9.30 at Barclay Park. Finding a parking space in an area where I had wrongly thought would be easy, gave me a bit of frustration, but in the end I found somewhere. I ended up all the way up Lord Street in Kennedy Avenue, outside the childhood home of my old boyfriend. A place I spent many evenings in 1981/82. Lynn, Isabel and I walked and talked for hours. We could have continued for many more hours, but Lynn had paid to park for just 3! Lynn was our long suffering Guide leader before we all grew up and became friends. Lifelong friends in fact. We discussed how strong the friendships made through guiding and scouting are, and the strong positive role model Lynn was to us as younger girls, has shaped the way we are today. I know Isabel feels the same as me, when I say our lives are richer for our friendships, and even during the years when we had less time to meet up, the bonds made in those early days meant we have always been there for each other. I love my guiding friends.

I got back to mum's at midday. Jon and the boys had spent some time helping Jenny in her garden and shed to do a bit of sorting out. In the afternoon the boys spent a little time looking at motorbike bits with Hayden, and I continued with the cine films. I've managed to watch through holidays 1979, 1981 and 1982. I was super excited when I found a short clip of me doing a bit of gymnastics outside the caravan in France 1982. There is no film of me doing competition gymnastics, so just that evidence that I really could do it was good to watch, and took me back, even though it was just a walkover and a free cartwheel! There are still many more films to go through, and I will go back to them shortly.

Daniel drove himself and Henry back home, leaving here at 5. They were home by 8. So its just Jon and I here now. We will go home tomorrow and then Manda will be back from her break on Monday.

I feel exhausted. Not really sure why. I would say I'll have an early night, but I won't.

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