New reality day 250

Amadeus is still improving which is really nice to see. He's sleeping a lot, but also happy when walking outside, eating better, playing even a little too. Also engaging with the other dogs when barking at something. So perhaps he still has some happy months ahead.

My parents visited us today. My dad drove here and back. He's been able to drive for about 3 weeks now. He's doing good. Still improving slowly, but steady. It was nice to see them.

After my parents left, we went cycling just to get my legs used to the workout again. It was my third ride this week. Tomorrow I'll rest my legs, so I'm up for cycling work and back from Tuesday. And it's gonna rain all day tomorrow.

The picture is from our village church (the christian church, there are others too). I took an opportunity to use my husband to take the shot I wanted. He did pretty good. I just took a rest on the chairs.

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