My hood

Had more of a lie in, reading the papers in bed, than I've done recently. The sun was shining brightly though and I wanted to make the most of it so after putting some laundry on I headed up to walk along the crags. Once again like yesterday some amazing views, although this time over the city. This is my part of town...feel I know these streets and parks so well and have been so bound up with it over the last year in particular.
Saw the half mast flag on Holyrood Palace from my vantage point further round the crags, then home for some cleaning and finishing the laundry. Chatting to K about what she was making for supper (roast chicken) made me feel I needed the same so popped to the shops, then home and heard from T about the apricot tree he's bough for his allotment - wonder if it will thrive? Hope so.
Despite the lovely morning it started to snow as I was talking to T, although didn't amount to much really. Weird weather at the moment! 
Felt pretty tired so decided to relax and watch a film - found Minari on Prime and enjoyed it. Loved the teasing relationship between the lovely little boy and his grandma - very poignant.
Long chat to A as she drove home from seeing her friends N&S, who were trying to persuade them to move to Bristol rather than Scotland and her thoughts about buying a dog, planning for their 30th birthdays this year, the mess of HS2 building work and her career coaching work with N last night. 
After supper, settling down to Line of Duty. Rather pleased I have most of next week off as holiday :)

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