Day 397 It's Flower Friday!

This beautiful bouquet was brought to me by the lovely H, one of daughter #2's closest friends.  It  really is stunning and I haven't been able to do it complete just, although you will note that I have used my camera rather than my phone to photograph it.
In other news: in my small world, daughter #2 spent quite some time giving me a foot and leg massage and applying nail polish to my toenails -  no mean feat when you're seven months pregnant and I am very grateful.
In the wider world. the spike in coronavirus infections continues in India and hospitals there have become desperate and overwhelmed as they run out of beds, plasma and oxygen.  So very worrying is that the new Indian variant seems to affect the young very badly, something that has not been seen before.
In the UK, a group of former sub- post masters and sub-postmistresses have had their names cleared and convictions quashed in the UK's biggest miscarriage of justice.  Between 2000 and 2014 the Post Office prosecuted over 700 of them some of whom were sent to prison and many financially ruined.  Some have since died.  The Post Office refused to accept that the fault lay with newly installed Horizon software.  Hopefully they will be able to claim damages for ruined lives.

In extras, a quick glimpse of a pensive Violet, my alternative flower, wearing one of her new Summer outfits after school

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