Capital adventures

By marchmont

That cat again.

Apologies for the repetition but not a lot has happened chez moi today.

#1 son didn't turn up for the Teams meeting this morning which was ok, it's what I expected.

I caught up with my College reading before work. Today was writing Board papers. Been a long time since I had to that, 2005/06? Possibly 1990 if it was a full set of papers like today. It didn't require too much cerebral power but took a long time. So many words.

Outside it was cold and it rained. Well the rain is needed though not even Willow went out much to enjoy it.

Back indoors I wrote more words and my neck ached from my swim, and pouring over a laptop. #2 son messaged, a temporary distraction. I don't even have the radio on much when I'm working, just silence.

I craftily worded a difficult email and wrote some more words before finally finishing well late. Finishing? Well not really as I had to catch up with today's College messages, luckily very few, before dinner.

Willow has now commandeered my chair and I'm watching 'Esio Trot'.


F2F - 0
Phone calls - 2
Virtual - 0

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