Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Another day of the Walking Festival

I was in a group of six who set off from Featherstone Bridge and took a delightful route (undulating) around the surrounding valleys. It was much colder today (MUCH) so we had to be well wrapped up.

The forecast rain turned out to be not too bad. It soon stopped and the hail, when it came, was momentary! Most of the time it was cloudy but we had good views.

I loved this walk.

After lunch, we crossed a field and heard another group of walkers who were on another track. Guess what?  It was another group celebrating the festival. You can see them in my blip.

We stood well apart to have a brief chat. I have not seen Tony and Marie for over a year. It's very emotional when you see your friends again. (Tony even managed to get twice into my picture!)

Back at home I'm watching a fascinating Zoom meeting on Photojournalism. Very compelling and hardly anyone attending. Mum is at a Zoom Bible study with folk from her chapel in Haydon Bridge.

Liz came to see Mum this afternoon and I arrived home when she was still here.  We are making small steps towards normality.

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