T is for TINO

The Mono Monday theme today is "Begins with the letter 'T'".  My lovely boy Tino was the easy option. 

We have had heavy rain ( and thunder ) for most of the day but also sunshine in short bursts.  Tino has spent a lot of time on my bed today - he found a sunny spot.  ( Lily was on the bedroom windowsill enjoying the sunshine there ) I took a few shots of Tino when he was asleep and then he woke up and proceeded to give himself a thorough clean.  I have added a collage of colour shots.  Thanks to laurie54  for hosting the challenge.

(Valentino is his registered name but he's always been called Tino for short ).

Musical link - VALENTINO  by Tino Rossi

I managed to do some chores today although I would have quite happily just relaxed and watched TV.  I did a lot of ironing and washing and a bit of admin. I was meant to make a couple of phone calls but forgot.

Steps today - 3,825

CORONA CLASSIC - Richard Strauss: Eine Alpensinfonie (An Alpine Symphony)

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