A splash of colour on a rainy day

2 trays of runner bean seeds in cells
I made a barbeque sauce marinade for the chicken wings, put them marinading in the fridge after popping 3 in a tub for Mum to cook for her dinner tonight. Added  a handful of purchased tiny new potatoes, a corn cob, & fresh tomato, then picked up a nice crusty roll, so she has a choice. Good result as she had'nt planned her dinner when I arrived at her door.
Provisions drop to Mum
Had an early Danish pastry fix with coffee
Made a batch of chicken liver pate for freezing
Filled in the Morrison's blah on-line to receive the new loyalty card that they are introducing to replace the old one.
Then had a faff with a couple of the glass beads I've found on my allotment, where they've come from I've no idea, but occasionally dig one up. Dug out my homemade prism to see what that could being to the party .... not a lot really. Coloured glass beads I've got in my stash added some colour. Bish, bash, bosh, more snapping then a Picasa tweak. Not feeling very creative today.
The Ushiki Kuri squash seeds are up, fingers crossed there will be more squash/ pumpkin activity soon.
Time to do my Covid flow test

Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting Abstract Thursday ..'Topsy turvy' .Not sure it quite hits the brief but it ... should have flipped the image upside down .. too late!

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