Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

My Little Town

It's actually a town of about 35,000 but I think half of those are here only in the winter.  Very few people drive at night, which is absolutely a good thing.  I think the median age is around 75. This was the main intersection at 8 pm, at least two hours after the sidewalks are rolled up. Of course, many of those same folks are up at 4:30 am.

Watched a very interesting local weather report on Tucson Ch 13 KOLD, (ironic, isn't it) earlier this evening.  Pretty timely since the temps are inching towards the hundred degree mark.  I hope this puts to rest the "but it's a dry heat" stuff.

At 100° outside, the temperature inside of a car after
10 minutes is -- 119° (48.3°)
20 minutes is -- 129° (53.9°)
30 minutes is -- 134° (56.7°)
60 minutes is -- 143° (61.7°)

So, the humidity may be low but driving home with your groceries takes extraordinary measures...coolers, freezer bags, ice packs... times  :-)

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