A better day

Here you see the fixings for the stir-fry I'll be making after posting this, with the addition of ground turkey.  Hoping it will turn out well.

Today went much more smoothly than yesterday.  I actually was able to schedule an appointment with that doctor - although it's not until September 7!  I am on a cancellation list, so perhaps it will be sooner.  It was such a relief to be able to connect to her schedule.  With my new driver's license in my purse, and the 2021 tab on my car, I'll be able to drive and plan to start tomorrow - after I get a long overdue haircut.

Lex will be loaning me a laptop computer she no longer uses so that I can keep my legs elevated when I'm online and, more importantly, so I won't have my back to Sylvie, who hates this and makes her objection loudly and repeatedly.

In case you've picked up on my tone, today I finally emerged from a two week journey through the depths.  I'm hoping this brighter period will last a long time.

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