Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

Brown-headed Cowbird

Got up super early even though I did most the house straightening after midnight. Now the house is clean. Yay!

I popped up to the canyon with a lunch and had myself a picnic in the woods.  Naturally I had my camera but the only picture I came home with was this Brown-headed cowbird. 

This is a common but odd bird and mostly considered a pest. Rather than build nests, females lay their eggs in the nests of other birds, leaving them behind to be raised by those other birds, often at the expense of their own offspring.

I'm trying to catch up a little and am bouncing around.  Just before I posted this, I posted Thursday's "one tree."

Thinking caps on!  This is one of my favorite lateral thinking questions:
A man who lives in a fifty-story building decides to jump out of his window. He survives his fall with no injuries. How did he do this?
The man jumped out of his first-floor window, which was only a few feet from the ground.

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