Capital adventures

By marchmont


I just couldn't get going today. Of course I don't have to get up on a Saturday, well not at 7 and it was cold and wet outside, not gardening weather

I spent an hour or so sorting the Choir's music and chasing the few outstanding copies. Then I drafted the Trustees' report and thought about doing some work, only thought.

Listened to 'Any Questions/Answers' which was outraged about the Hancock affair. Later events caught up with the outrage and he quit. There is something toxic in our current Government.

After some faffing with an i-phone J& D came up, with wine. They've been here 10 days and this is the first of them. I'm last on the list.

After they left I did finish moving back pots and plants in the back and tied up sweet peas Inthe front. It was still freezing.

Then there was sad news on Twitter, Fidelma died this morning, in Moissac, of cancer. A doughty journalist I'd only known her 2 years or so during my French sojourn which ended 11 years ago, but we were mates and drinking buddies and I read her column in the Herald Mag every week. Today's was a cracker, every word about Brexit worthy of her. RIP Fidelma.

F2F. - 3
Phone calls - 4
Virtual - 0

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