Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj


There are three allium heads in my flowers this week. They amaze me with how well they open up and expand over a few short days.

It's been hot and muggy again today. I will not complain when I hear about the temperatures suffered by friends across the Pond.

Claire came to cut my hair. Not much was cut off, but the shape was restored. It's a pleasure to have her snipping and advising me.

I've tried to knit and watch the tennis plus doing odd bits and pieces. Not very satisfactory really, but a few jobs were done.

Ann came this afternoon so that Mum could teach her how to do cross stitch. They worked hard for over an hour. The only problem was that Mum became very tired and had a migraine afterwards. 

I'd cooked a roast dinner - I know, I know, it was not a good day for roast potatoes - but Mum could not eat. We'll try again tomorrow.

The press had all been preparing us for an England loss in the football. I did not watch it, but I have heard the result. Amazing.

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