
A nice bright morning when I eventually woke up (at 9.30am!!) and Jon had already laid the table for breakfast. After breakfast we got in the car and drove to Aberystwyth- about 40 minutes back up the road. With the forecast due to change at the weekend, we wanted to walk around the town on a sunny, dry day.

It turned out to be a really lovely day. We ambled to the harbour and found a coffee shop overlooking the sea. From there we walked into the town centre, then back down to the sea and along the prom. Eventually settled at a very nice restaurant where we had a late cooked lunch, and just relaxed. ( info for Mollie: I had Thai fish cake and salad, dad had egg,gammon and pineapple with chips and salad, plus we had sweet potato fries - plus drinks £22 - which I thought was pretty good!)

A few shops (I only went in one charity shop as I was conscious how long I had been in there!) In Trespass, Jon bought some shorts, then we went back to the front and sat on a bench overlooking the sea and read our books in the sun. Finally grabbed a cup of tea somewhere Jon had spotted, who were using proper mugs, not cardboard cups, again by the sea. The mist started to roll in as we were heading back. Home by 6 and happy to sit out in the awning with my blanket on my knees! I think more reading, and a glass of wine is the order of the evening!

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