
By dunkyc

It's good to talk...

Bit of a mad dash this morning to get the children to school, and then dash back home again to do a run-through on a webinar I’ll be presenting next week.

It seemed to go well and our partners were happy with it, which has concerned me a little as anyone who has ever spent any time on a stage will tell you: a bad dress rehearsal usually means a great opening night! Oh well, I’m sure it will be fine and they prefer their presenter’s cameras to be off, which suits me down to the ground as I prefer to move about when I’m in my flow and waxing lyrical….about insurance.

The pickup at the end of the day was far more relaxed and I was delighted for two reasons; the first being that as we left school one of the mums (who I don’t know) shouted over the road “Hey, Matilda! Jake is in Year 5 (3 above Matty) and he voted for your President Teddy video!” This is a reference to the school’s online talent show, where Matty submitted ‘President Teddy’s Got No Talent’. She didn’t know how to respond to this kind gesture and looked a little embarrassed, so I suggested that she smile, wave and thank Jake for his vote, which she duly did.

The second reason for my delight was watching the wee ones interact with each other. Normally the walk home is me being badgered for the evening’s dinner menu or tablet time or if two cars were in a fight which one would win or monitoring the river level. Instead, I was largely ignored as they nattered away to each other, exchanging classroom scuttlebutt and knowing giggles. It was lovely. Later on, Owen said he would help Matty with her homework, so I could tidy up.

The feeling of loveliness soon gave way to suspicion and the remainder of the evening was spent checking my wallet and looking for breakages…

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