A day in the life

By Shelling


A friend asked me what the plant, that I have growing next to my veranda is called. I took a picture and identified it with the help of my app "Flora incognita". That was the photo for the day, apparently, so here it is in Blip.
The plant is called "Såpnejlika" or 'Soap carnation' translated to English.

The day has been spent rehearsing with my partner Bengt. We haven't made music together since May, last year, when we did our last concert  before Corona made all that impossible. It takes quite a while to get to know each other musically again and I must say it didn't sound to good to begin with, the dynamics when we sing and play together is nothing like playing alone, at home. We got better after a while though and we have two rehearsals yet to do so I'm sure it's going to be ok.

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