You can always tell when I haven't had a photo day

... I resort to a food photo with my phone (and they always seem to be stir fries - probably because I do quite a lot of them!)

A slightly different Saturday morning for me as I had company.  A friend of mine has someone `house sitting' for her while she is away working in Scotland and I said I would help her new lodger to get to know the area and our village, so yesterday morning she travelled with me to Penistone, but was then able to come back on her bike, which was in for repair at the Bike Shop in Penistone.  We had coffee sat in the middle of the High Street, which was very different to what I usually do on Sat morning.  She's a Canadian, but been living in London for quite some time - so interesting conversations, including one about the Maggie Hambling Sculpture of Mary Wolstonecroft.

So, as a reminder to me, in the afternoon I printed out some of the Redcar `Tuned-in'  images onto A5 paper.  I'm involved in a West Yorkshire Print Workshop next weekend, so I'm thinking about subjects for my print session.  It's a solar print workshop, so basically a photographic technique for constructing the plate.  This was followed by another `art conversation' with GG on Messenger which started with a discussion about Malevich's Black Square and moved through Damian Hirst and I think David Hockney (though that might have come into my morning conversation.). No wonder it was `stir-fry' again (though that had more to do with the fact that I needed to eat the second piece of peppered-salmon from the packet (the penalty of living on my own - somedays I eat the same things two days in a row,  Actually it was very nice.

Extra:  my print for the Solar-print plate will need to be in B&W so I'm attaching a mono conversion of one possibility, though I'm thinking at the moment that a softer view of reflections of boats at Paddy's hole might provide me with more scope for creative inking.

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