To the Wetlands

A cooling down now
overnight....I must add a
blanket to my bed

~ carliewired

I was off to the wetlands just after 6 AM. The temperature was 12 C so I snatched up a denim shirt to add on if I needed it. Air quality improved so much after the rain we've just had. Yesterday was a beautiful afternoon once it cleared up in late morning. It felt like spring again. 

I drove along Ord Road and found bighorn sheep on the roadside. They strayed across the road just as one rather unconscious driver roared up. Luckily, no collision. I was parked on the roadside and tapped my brakes repeatedly but this driver paid no attention until he was nearly on the herd. This little band of bad boys were undeterred. They wandered back towards the hillside munching as they went. 

I  drove off to Tranquille to have a look at the big pond. It seems bigger since the rain. I was delighted to find a flock of pelicans there. They made a line of white along the edge of the pond. It made me think of chorus girls on stage. Mist was coming off the pond this morning as the air temperature has changed overnight. It was really pushing the limits of my telephoto to capture anything there. 

As I turned to get back into my car, I looked up to the tracks elevated above the road to see the Canadian National train sitting idle. I took a photo of the engine as I like to do. I realized the engineer was sitting there. I waved. He waved back. We had a brief exchange and we wished each other a good day. 

I stopped for groceries and my drive-thru breakfast on the way home. It's back to clean up today. 

 We're expecting a high of 29 C today. The smoke is beginning to ooze back into our valleys. 

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