First Light - Wetlands

Just a tinge of smoke
colours the first light on the
wetlands this morning

~ carliewired

Yesterday was the first day in weeks when the A/C did not run. I shut off the ceiling fan in the living room because it made me feel chilly while sitting in my recliner. 

This morning our temperature is only 9 C at 6 AM. I choose leggings over capris and grabbed my denim shirt as I left the house. I expected to need the extra warmth.

It looked like the start of a glorious day. The sky was clear and bright even before the sun came up. The wetlands at the east end of Kamloops Lake looked marvelous. Herons were in abundance. They were practicing their ballet in the water. Pelicans cruised around the edge of the pond. The waning gibbous moon was still sharp above the horizon. A slow-moving Canadian National train was coming out of the city heading west. Its headlight appeared above the pond. I could hear it long before I could see it. Colours in the foliage are changing. Flowers are turning to seed. 

I picked up my breakfast and headed home. There's more work to be done today. I must make the most of my daughter's willingness before we're both fed up with sorting and organizing. 

We'll enjoy a high of 26 C today with very little smoke to complain about. 

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