Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Waiting at the exit

Did you know that Arthur Mee's Children's Encyclopaedia was originally published as fortnightly pamphlets? Soon afterwards, they were put together in bound volumes as the complete set. Many families, like mine, bought  set in the 1950s.

There is a lot of content. It's presented in small type and the black and white illustrations are not very attractive. However, they are a blast from the past.

I have thought about parting with them for years. In preparation for the big party, I'm getting rid of things. No charity shop will take these because no one will buy them. I had just looked on Ebay and hopeful sellers are asking anything from £30 to £115! They will be lucky.

Mine are in very good condition, so speak up before I go to the tip tomorrow!

Not a lot to report, just more bits of preparations, but the highlight was the other Marjorie, who came this afternoon. She is tackling the highly complicated skill of Japenese embroidery. Wow!

I had to go to Corbridge for a haircut at Claire's. Eight year old Sophia joined in and put clasps all over my hair. The way she giggled made me realise this was not the best look!

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