Big Sky

The expanse of sky
with some colour was the best
of my new morning

~ carliewired

At 6:15 AM I was backing my car out to head west towards the airport. There was just a hint of colour in the east. I was hoping for more. 

I parked in the area near Vantage Point. I can get a view of my mountains, the river and Rivers Trail. The sky to the northeast was already a watercolor painting. To catch the light over the river is my favourite activity. Several dogs had brought their humans out on the Rivers Trail to enjoy the morning. 

I watched the Canada geese form up near the dock. They seemed to be waiting for the light to come into the valley. Little family groups gathered themselves up and began to float down the river towards Kamloops Lake making conversational chatter between themselves. 

It is a mostly cloudy morning with a chance of showers this afternoon. The temperature was 14 C when I left the house. We might expect a high today of 26 C.

I'm home again today. I've started work on some quilted hearts that will be  released sometime this month. 

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