Beside the path

Meetings by Zoom all morning, interspersed with phone calls for advice on the Act. Also some time with IT on the phone while they tried to help me access my work 'Desktop' on my MacBook. Ended up at one stage asking me to turn it off and reboot, and when he started to get me to try various things I found I was connected. The answer to my problems seems to have been "turn it off and restart"!!!

This afternoon I again was down on the mudflats, meaning only occasionally able to run and the tide was coming in quickly. None of my photos really grabbed my interest, but on the way back I passed a large Strelitzia Reginae plant in someone's garden with the Bird of Paradise flowers hanging over the path I was on. 

And when I arrived back, I could hear the little Riroriro (grey warblers) high up in a tall tree. I'm satisfied with the photo I managed against a bright sky. They are very hard to capture with a camera.

Fourteen new cases of Covid today, after 24 yesterday (nine of those had been active in the community while probably infectious). From tomorrow morning we change from level 4 to level 3. Which means little change for health care workers. There will be more people back at work from tomorrow morning. And a few more businesses can start up again.

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