The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Flowering hops

Wednesday is my free day. I got up and put on a load of washing first thing, because it was a good drying day. When I came to hang it out, I found that my neighbour's buddleia was getting entangled with our washing line. Cue to get out the long handled loppers and do a spot of guerilla gardening, still in my PJs and dressing gown. There was such a mixture of growth, including dead brambles I had to go and get dressed before I could chop it up to bag it. These flowering hops were among the stuff to tumble, unfortunately (terrible shot, but the breeze sprang up and they were in the bin! Nul points for trying). We just can't lose two feet of of our garden, all the way down, to the Invasion.

I didn't get much else done, despite my best intentions, because it was a sunny day and I wanted to finish my book (Brat Farrar, by Josephine Tey) in calm surroundings. And I did! Despite having read this book when I was fifteen, I had little knowledge of the mystery/thriller plot, apart from the beginning. The case involves an impostor, supposedly returning from.beyond the grave to claim his rightful inheritance. But he has a twin brother who knows....I kept thinking, of course, we now have DNA profiling. That changes everything. Anyway, I enjoyed the read, and tomorrow I'll be discussing another Josephine T on the online book club forum.

Tuna melt for lunch and stir fried chicken for supper.

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