Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj


I've been wanting to try using textures and combining them with flowers for some time now. Last night at the Hexham and District Photographic Society, the presenter, Carol Palmer, showed a number of different themes and projects she has been working on. Stunning work. She had some beautiful flower images which inspired me to have a go myself today.

These tulips are about to drop all their petals. I placed them on watercolour paper to photograph. Then I made a mask for them in Photoshop, imported a texture and blended them together. It's been great fun and the afternoon has flown by.

We've had more snow, but it's sunny and the roads are clear. Mum has made the journey to her embroidery class in Allendale, driving herself there.

Arth has greatly benefited from the ultrasound yesterday and has cycled 1/2 mile on the static bike this morning and done weights. Fingers toes crossed!

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