Almost gone

There has been a fair bit of progress since I posted this. There must have been a ton of pigeon shit to remove!

Once the old building has gone, I’ll be interested to see what it is replaced with, as it is such a peculiar narrow and constrained plot. Here you can see the cycle path down below, from where I’m standing on the road, which you never normally can (It’s one of those bridges you cannot really see off because the walls are so high). Edinburgh at its two levels.

I got out for a walk at lunchtime, by dint of playing our staff seminar on Teams over my ear buds. It might make it hard to ask a question, but it’s fine for participating passively, which I’m keen to do as a minimum as I reintegrate myself in things…

The rest of the day I spent reading and commenting on documents for colleagues and in one fairly long meeting.

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