Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Tree surgeon number 2

Actually, number 1 because he is the more experienced of the two of them.....

What a day.

Two tree surgeons instead of three. (Number 3 had to look after a sick daughter so the second ash tree could not be pruned today.) Gavin and Richard made great progress with all the jobs.

The district nurse called to check up on Mum.

Two wheelchair technicians called to see if a standard wheelchair will suit Mum. It won't because the straight, firm back is no good for a kyphoscoliosis. After discussion, we decided to stick with the light weight one I bought and which I can lift in and out of the car boot.

Maureen, who will care for Mum next week, came unexpectedly (at the same time as the wheelchair people) but was able to stay for a while afterwards. She is all ready to start on Monday.

Catherine came and did my ironing - winter polo necks are ready for next week's horrendous holiday weather.

Margret brought the delayed October church magazine.

Fiona came to borrow two hedgehog boxes for the winter.

We chatted with one of her ex pupils who lives in the next street to me.

I delivered a card to the post box and one to Joy for her birthday.

I was whacked after all these comings and goings.

After last night's image of Richard, I've chosen a colour one of Gavin for my main image, but put a  mono image as an extra. They both worked very hard all day.

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