Evidence but no sighting

The owners of the holiday house where we're staying are farmers. The landlady told us the best times (dawn and dusk) and places to see the beavers. We all set off about 08:00 over the fields to try our luck. We did see evidence of beaver activity but no beavers themselves. Here is one of the deep pools they've created in the fast flowing burn and in the extra a bit of a dam. There were lots of bits of chewed bark and, to my surprise, turnips pulled up from the fields. Apparently they use the neeps in their dam building.

It was a damp and muddy walk. We got back to the house about 09:30 and the rain started in a more organised way. It was the day for a cooked breakfast followed by coffee and lounging around. I hope I'll get out for another walk though. I'm not good at just sitting around and get itchy feet. On the other hand the house is very comfortable and made for sitting round the enormous burner.

Tonight we will be wearing our finery (ha ha) as we are going out to eat.

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