Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Head of the Lake

The last rowing regatta of the season.   I have done this race in the getting-ever-more distant past…in a double, a quad, an 8x and even an ancient octet (8 rowers, 16 sculling oars) but I was very glad to NOT have to be out there today! A bit windy and cold but not too terrible, and the rain held off til after.   Lucky.   I love to watch them from the bridge.  I haven't been in may boat for 2 summers.. miss it..

The year we rowed the octet, 2 Canadian neighbors came to Seattle to fill out the boat….Our coach knew them from our rowing camps at the island.   One was blipper Islandcat who is first in our thoughts and heavy heart today not for all the wonderful years of rowing but for her husband and our good friend who has just died. Doesn’t seem possible. We will miss him so, and are grateful for the several visits we had with him recently.   I’m remembering what a good sport he was to cox our quad on occasion.

Extras: waiting before the start in a sheltered spot, (2nd one) and a view of some of the boats and where they are going, thru the cut and under another bridge.   I think we hit the high school girls quads. 

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