Who’s tallest?

It’s the hair that get gets it. And at 19 and a half Henry still has some time to fully overtake his dad I think! This was taken at the end of the day by Mollie on her iPhone. Within minutes, she had zoomed in to check on the finer detail to determine who is tallest, then fell about laughing. Tears and everything, she could hardly speak for laughing as she showed her phone to the rest of us, and then we all fell about too. If you have eagle eyesight you will see in the sliver of gap between the back of their heads Daniel fits exactly- watching on from his graduation photo!! Ok, it doesn’t sound as funny when you tell it back, but we did laugh. I needed a good laugh.

Didn’t have a very good day in the office apart from the last hour when Ralph joined me. Not satisfied with sitting on Jon’s empty seat next to me (he was in Norwich inspecting trees) after about 10 minutes he climbed onto the desk, and across to me. Then snuck down, curled up and squeezed in next to me. It was really nice. He loves me so much and just looked up at me purring. It was the warmest I’d been all day, and the calmest!

Jon and I skipped the lovely pizza that Mollie, Josh and Henry have made a Friday routine, and had jacket potatoes with beans instead!

We have done some sorting out. The kitchen wall looks to be coming down Tuesday and the challenge is finding places to put things while that happens. There is only one other room downstairs and that doesn’t have a door separating the two, so there is going to be a lot of dust, and lots of dusting to do after the dirty work is complete. But it’s exciting and something for me to focus on.

Got my Friday gin and tonic & lots of chocolate. So not all bad.


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