Firist of all a HUGE THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR KIND COMMENTS, STARS AND HEARTS for my 1,095th blip anniversary yesterday.  I would have missed it had it not be pointed out to me.  Your comments made my day and all the lovely hearts has put me onto the front page of the Popular section - wow that is amazing.  THANK YOU.

A contrast in the weather from yesterday.  Still a very pleasant day just not wall to wall blue skies that we had yesterday.  

A quiet morning, just preparing for G's visit tomorrow.  Then on down into Grange for my Optician's to get my glasses tightened up.  I popped onto The Prom by the station just before my appointment, couldn't see a soul on there, but there was a lovely light over Arnside way due to the dark clouds and some blue sky.

Grange was very quiet - a few people walking about but not many.  Now if we could have that for the 3 to 4 months that would be nice, just until we welcome our visitors back again next year for Spring and Summer of course.  I'llmake the most of the quiet time in going out and about with the camera, weather permitting I think.   

On returning to the car I bumped into Enid, one of my lovely Tai Chi friends.  I haven't seen her in the flesh for 2 years, just on zoom and it was so lovely to see her.  She is tiny and came out of Johnston's carrying a clock almost as big as she was - so of course I helped her with that. We had a lovely chat before I came home.

Nothing else to say for today so I will see you all tomorrow.

Do take care and stay safe.

PS:  I have included a couple of collages from my unexpected day out yesterday.

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