McArthur Island - North

No sunrise to get
me moving, so I went back
to bed instead then! 

I was up wandering the house all too early. I loaded the dishwasher, waited for it to run the cycle, then headed back to bed when I gave up any hope for a visible sunrise. 

It was after 9 when I emerged and left the driveway. It was 2 C and partly cloudy.  I picked up a belated breakfast enroute, then drove to McArthur Island to watch the ducks. They always improve my disposition. 

As I drove in by the north entrance a pair of young does were grazing by the playing fields. They ignored me completely, even when I talked to them. They carried on munching with brief stops to scratch where it itches. I left them to it and drove on past the Butterfly Garden, now stripped to the ground for winter. 

I parked near the foot bridge to walk the Rivers Trail. Ducks were in abundance. This is their part of the island park and they fill it up well. Today, there was more open water for them as the ice has melted back with the warmer days. 

The Canadian Pacific Railway will be re-opening the line west to Vancouver today. The crews have worked around the clock for the past week to repair the damaged rail lines following the washouts and slides. Tomorrow, Canadian National plan to re-open their rail lines. I can imagine they will all be working non-stop to catch up as the backlog at the port of Vancouver will now be considerable. 

I have no definitive plans for my day. Suffice it to say, I'm staying home. 

The weather forecast promises a mix of sun and cloud with a high of 5 C.

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