By lizzie_birkett


Today is the start of a new and hopefully better year than last for many people. 
I want to start it on a positive note and have started my 2022 poetry challenge. I have always loved to write but have often not been satisfied with my efforts.
I read Blipper BernardYoung’s poetry sometimes and when I complimented him last year and asked him about his writing, he recommended a book by Kate Clanchy called ‘How To Grow Your Own Poetry’. The book gives you exercises to do and work through.
I plan to write a poem each day, which can be any length from 2 lines, or maybe a Haiku,  or a longer one. It can rhyme or not.
Here is my first attempt.


A grandmother filled with the joy of life, put her half full glass on the table, 
She put there a jug of water, a bowl of nuts, an apple and some purple grapes.
Then her book, her reading glasses and her phone she put them their too.
She put some seed packets on the table - Tomato, carrot, beans and marigolds
A jay feather and the two pine cones little Lucy had given her in the park
She added things she was working on, a song, a drawing and her knitting,
Some fabrics in greys, creams, yellows and oranges and her good scissors.
From her seat by the window she saw the last Peace Rose of the year
And watched the birds feasting on the food she had put out yesterday
She sipped from her glass till it was a quarter full.
Thoughts of her past, her present and her future, she put those on the table,
Where she had lived, her parents, her children, her life, paths she had chosen
She plucked the heart off her sleeve and placed it among those thoughts.
She added some recent memories to the pile, from just a week ago
The laughter of her grandchildren, their soft skin, their breath-taking hugs
She smiled than drank from her glass until it was empty.
She took the weight of the world off her shoulders and put that on the table
Then said a prayer for peace, calm and forgiveness and laid it on top
She put her ideas and plans on the table, her wisdom and her ignorance
She had scant knowledge of tending roses and wished to increase it
So they would flourish and bloom, she put the fragrance of those future roses 
On the table and drew a long, gentle breath. 
She laid her wrinkly hands on the table, and thought of all they had done
Her two gold rings shone and the four tiny diamonds sparkled.
She looked through the window and saw the sun burst out from behind a cloud. 
The glow spread across her full table, lighting up the floating dust motes 
She filled her glass to the brim raised it and said Happy New Year!

Stay safe my friends :-) X

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