Belated pavlova!

I'd bought the ingredients to make a pavlova for Christmas and just hadn't got round to it. Today I bought more raspberries which were reduced, the cream was getting near its sell by date in my fridge, so it was now or never. What I am most pleased with, is that it was produced using my Kenwood Chefette. Bought for me by my nan when I was about 15, so it is over 40 years old. It took no time to make, and easily as good as anything produced using a fancy modern £400 plus mixer. So a perfect pud between 5 of us after dinner tonight.

I haven't managed to get a whole lot done today. Washed up first thing, then cleaned the downstairs toilet. The big two drawer unit that Jon put together yesterday, is not in the right final position, but we are using it, and I managed to out a few things away. Again, not in necessarily their final homes, but it's a constant process of emptying one cupboard, putting the contents 'somewhere' then filling new units. Still a long way to go. Jon hopes to do the sink corner next weekend. He says it will take a full weekend to take out the sink, and do all that entails with the corresponding units and worktop.

After coffee I took mum to Morrison's and then to Homebase. We were out for quite a while but it was productive.

While I was out, Jon washed the cars and painted the final coat on one wall. Then he put another small unit together. I made the pavlova and we had dinner I'm mums house, sitting up at a table. It's a novelty at the moment.

Tomorrow I am going to tackle the conservatory, after a walk in the morning, weather permitting.

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