Furniture move

Like many other people at this time of year, we have been clearing away the old, and moving bits of furniture about to start the new year with a fresh look. I think it gives you a boost to do that. I put the train sets into their boxes and separated the extra tracks, labelling everything up 'Daniel' or 'Henry'. I suspect it will be many years before they come out again. They still haven't quite made it to the loft though - I'd like to buy long plastic boxes to keep them more protected. So a job for next weekend.

The piano has been moved from the lounge to the dining end of the kitchen so that I can make a better attempt at learning to play. The glass cabinet is better in the lounge now. It means all tables, including my work place is now in the conservatory. It isn't warm in there (actually it is bloody freezing!) but I have more slippers, hot water bottles and blankets, and a nice fluffy hoody Mollie bought me for my birthday, and I'm hoping it isn't going to be a cold January/February.

More washing done and it now adorns the lounge. We had a fire, proving a bit extra heat.

Watched a variety of TV programmes we missed over Christmas all afternoon so kind of caught up now. Work tomorrow. Must stop eating chocolate...

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