The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

When you're a jet (black cat) you're a jet

Here's Indie again. We think she may have hidden on top of the wardrobe yesterday, as she has found a way of getting up there and jumping down on to the bed. According to CleanSteve, she spent most of the day up there. I spent the first part of the day working in nursery, then took a break for a little light shopping and a trip to the cinema with friend J. Usually I work on Tuesday afternoons, but my childcare days have been swopped around this week.

The film today was West Side Story, the new Spielberg version. I did wonder why anyone would remake a classic, but I appreciated the fact that large-cast musicals are still being made, and that much Spanish was spoken by the Puerto Ricans. The dance was good, of course, and the songs are evergreen.

When I got home I called Indie down from the wardrobe, and we've been watching TV together more or less ever since. Poor love, she is even frightened of hearing cat sounds on the TV.

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