Capital adventures

By marchmont

Coping complete

The work in the garden is completed. The snail farm in the back wall. The new coping has improved the look and the longevity of the front wall. A conversation about the she of the house led to a revelation from P, the builder, that was gobsmacking. His wife is frae Inverurie. They were married in the West Church by the minister who baptised #2 son His f in l used to run Ritchie's the bakers, favourite stop off at 4'am after a group night out for rowies and occasional lumps of marzipan (not me you understand but the 'boys'). His wife and her two brothers went to the now demolished Academy. Oh it was a great reminisce and proof yet again that if you are frae Inverurie you will take over the world.

I spent the rest of the morning filling in time before work. It was chilly outside. I gumtree'd summer items. Not holding out much hope but work a try.

Work went well both this afternoon and this afternoon and was punctuated with my first call of the year to A at the College and a quick catch up with E.

Unfortunately a late dinner meant I ate far too much for the time of night. Watched the last Digging for Britain which amongst other places covered the Leith dig and caught up with Scot Squad.

Another day of not being out after the pool. I was much better this time last year.

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