A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

All round to Granny’s!

Not Mexican hats but some crochet I have been doing, which is called ‘All round to Granny’s cushion’

Grace has a cushion like this that originally belonged to mother.  
Similar design but with fewer colours. It lived for many years in my parents static caravan where it had lots of exposure to the sun. I have repaired it several times but it has really gone beyond that now so I spotted this pattern and asked Grace if she would like me to make another.
There are more colours and the side to the left is as shown in the pattern whereas the side to the right is my variation with rather more of the dark colours and less cream. She can use it either way.
I’m not showing the finished article as I have to wait for the cushion to do the finishing crochet around, hence the blue yarn is still attached, there is also a picot edging to do to the finished article.
It’s been interesting to do,as it’s many years since I did crochet and even then I’m not sure I followed a pattern.

I like it’s name. I have a postcard in a frame of children skipping over a hill. I bought it in Orkney, it depicts a huge tapestry entitled ‘Over the hill to Granny’s’. What a nice thought.

Happy birthday to Grace. I’ve just heard she has spent the day in bed not feeling well. Hope you feel better soon and that it’s not down to eating too much of that chocolate cake and Prosecco I sent!

Thank you for all your love  for my mum and her snowdrops yesterday!

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