Family time

I'm so glad that when Daniel comes to see us, he always feels at home! He had a roast dinner with us, and is now chilling! I think he likes the new sofa too.

I was shattered, and didn't wake this morning until 9.45! Even then I struggled to get up, and listened to the first 15 minutes of The Archers omnibus laying in bed!

My morning - what was left of it - was spent washing up from last night, clearing up the kitchen and preparing the veg for dinner. I then made a quick valentine card, and birthday card. Jon and Henry went from Archery to Cley to do some bird watching. When they got back, we had lunch then Jon and I took the 'new' hen house to the allotment. We spent an hour or so in the drizzle, putting it in position, then attaching the runs to it. The hens were doing their usual thing in the field next to mine. Flora flew over but as usual Bluebell needed to be guided round to the gate. We left them to explore their new home, and will be back in the morning to see if they are happy. I guess it won't be long before the rats find it, but I'm hoping that bring off the ground will be a bit of a deterrent for them.

I've had a nice hot bath. My knee is aching and a bit swollen. So sitting with it up now.

TV has lots Sunday that we enjoy- so that the evening sorted.

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