Capital adventures

By marchmont


My right side was fine last night which meant I slept well in a bed, though beautiful, is too soft for me.

Did the usual leaving things like pecking and tidying and cleaning out the woodburner. Headed off before 11, West up Teesdale then over the top of England to Alston. The weather was amazing, suddenly a huge bank of rain the other side of the valley and then rain, then sun again. More wild and dramatic scenery 

Out of County Durham into Cumbria, Northumberland and Cumbria to Brampton where there was a delay at a level crossing. 

Off the moors of the Upper Pennines it was a highways and byways route to Newcastleton. The snowdrops on the verges were so pretty. Another top to go over, a heavy sleet storm and many hairpin bends took me into Liddesdale, home of the Elliots. I have Elliots from Yarrow, Hobkirk and Southdean in my family tree. 

I stopped in Hawick. I saw 'Dumbo' there in 1973 with K and her then fiance. Coffee and a sweet cheese scone!?. It was cold and not a lot going on so I drove on to Selkirk. It was still cold and less going on. The contrast between the vibrant English country towns of Teesdale/Swaledale and the sad, empty towns of the Scottish Borders is marked.

Drove through Galashiels which seemed much busier with a huge Tesco Extra and then up a busy A7 and home. 

It's been great to be away and I've enjoyed seeing some new places that I must go back to. And I must go away again soon.

Lantern Festival today so the rest of my lemon chicken for dinner.

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