Sunset on the Eden.

Plenty of sunshine today and mild.  A day for going out and I meant to.  But there was washing to do. Stuff that needs to go to a charity shop along with the suitcase I found it in.  Dusting that has been neglected, the ornaments to finish washing. Made some soup and replied to an e-mail from Veda who is having to sort out unpaid bills for a cousin who is in hospital.  We were hoping to meet up but have postponed things.  Didn't even get into the garden to do some tidying.  I'm so slow in the mornings. I need to speed up.  Late on I went up to the Pillars for milk then on to Strath to walk.  It was quite muddy along the Eden. I met a woman who said it had been much worse and was drying out now.  We had an enjoyable chat about the wild flowers along the river. None are in evidence yet but hopefully a few will appear soon. I checked on the butterbur but only the leaves are showing.

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