Moody sky

My eyes are not actually closed, but just very small and slitty, and that is without smiling. It was very cold, but at lunchtime I had to go to Morrison's to buy tagliatelle to go with tonight's dinner, and encouraged my my colleague Nic at work, I walked down to see the sea. I bought a sandwich, so sat and ate it overlooking the sea, as you can see from my selfie. It was extremely blowy. I didn't stay long, but it would be a good thing to do daily, and worth the short drive. I walked back through the little gardens that line the cliff (see extra). They are very pretty but I did see a big rat!

Today Jon and I went for a walk before work. Allotment then in a circle back. It was warming. Then to work. But I am fixed in a stress about work now, and can't seem to shake it off.

I've got to stop rushing, and stressing. Today I was quite dizzy and off balance, and I think it is due to stress, which I know can cause physical symptoms and not just mental ones. I know it's time to try and do something about it. I also know I start things, but I don't finish. So I'm going to have a go and planning a slower pace for each day, with less pressure on myself. Mindfulness is what people say. I've started the yoga, which is just one hour a week. I need to try to do that every day. It definitely is relaxing and focuses the mind.

Tonight though, I'm having an early night, in the hope that I don't feel so dizzy tomorrow.

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