Capital adventures

By marchmont


The situation does not improve but at least I can show support in the normal colours I wear.  

Early start today, not for the pool but to take Mum to the dentist.  This meant braving the rush hour traffic which is excerbated by road closures in the vicinity.  Luckily this time there was a parking space very close to the surgery and despite the prediction we were in and out in 10 minutes.

I followed that up with round 2 of the handle saga.  Back to B&Q to return Saturday's purchases and start spending on the garden.  J the painter has also started so now my hall matches my beret and the house reeks of paint.

I eventually chose and ordered handles.  Back to brass though but I think they will be ok.  The census form arrived so I've started but I probably won't submit till after 20th.  I was involved in meetings with NRS about the design design, what 5/6 years ago when they were trying to make sure people experiencing homelessness could participate.  I wonder how that ended?

2 zooms today.  One about the College and later one with ex-colleagues.  

I changed Willow's door today to stop her Houdini act but the scent of the new door seems to be deterring her from coming in.  Can't win, can you?

On the weather front, yesterday's springlike day seems to have been a one-off and we returned to overcast, cold wind and a smidgen of rain.  But the night's are fair drawin' out.

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