Hello Lovely Blippers,

I’m sure you all know by now how much the HCBs love going to their Opticians, Leightons, and they have become friends with several of the staff.  There is always a lot of fun and laughter when they go in, we understand, so we were a bit upset when we heard on Thursday evening that they had been to see all their Leightons’ friends and didn’t take us, especially as they know that Kate and Wendy love to see us.

However, this morning, we pestered Mr. & Mrs. HCB to let us go up there today, because Kate had told Mrs. HCB on Thursday that they had some new plants in “silly” plant pots - can you see them on the top row?  

Mr. HCB was roped in volunteered to drive, and off they went - we got there just after 9 o’clock and thought we might be the first ones there.  However, there were already people in, so we had to be very quiet - that’s fine for us, but not so easy for Mrs. HCB - but please don’t tell her we said that because we love her really!

Anyway, Kate was happy for us to plonk ourselves on the various shelves - and we were given a special dispensation from her and didn’t have to wear masks.  Not long after, Kate was called away to deal with a client and left Mrs. HCB in charge;  oh dear, that was a mistake - she dropped several pairs of the glasses and made a right mess whilst moving things around but fortunately, Kate is very forgiving and nothing got broken, so all was well.  

We did take a box of chocolates up with us to give to Kate and Wendy to say “Thank You” to them - Lauren is on holiday, but we hope that they save a couple for her when she comes back on Monday and I guess they might even save one or two for David and Adam. 

We think that Admirer would have giggled if she had seen us on this very high shelf - which is rather silly, but that’s what Silly Saturday is all about, isn’t it?  

Take care, lovely friends, and we look forward to seeing you next week, when we are sure there will be more adventures with the HCBs.

Love from

The Silly Saturday Gang

P.S.  We are getting excited because we think that Hoggy may be coming out of hibernation soon!   We are going to have a wander around the garden this week to see if we can spot his hiding place and we might even give him a little poke!

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