Sparrow at the feeder.

Even less to report today than yesterday. My aches and pains have nearly gone but I'm still using them as an excuse to do nothing but read and take a few photos.  I'm really enjoying myself lolling around on the sofa with my nose in a book. Managed to  go for a walk at Strath to see if the willow catkins were out.  Practically none were apart from one branch that had got to the pussy willow stage.  Went along the Eden to see how the butterbur was progressing but not a single bit was.  It was colder today and pretty windy,  Spring seems to be on hold.  No more scilla or anemone blanda has come into flower in the garden and the buds on my early flowering cherry are still tightly shut.  I did see some fritillaries thinking about flowering so there is some progress and it's not officially spring till the weekend.

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