Rascally Rabbit

Someone cut five of my little daffodils. I blame the rabbit. 

I mixed cleaning with going shopping for plants so it could be a balanced day. There were many upright hellebores for sale. The wildflowers I wanted weren't available though so I bought them online. 

I noticed some Lonicera sempervirens that were bigger than in my garden. Then I went home and noticed I no longer have Lonicera sempervirens (a native honeysuckle). Supposedly rabbits don't eat it.

You know what rabbits really don't like to eat? Vinca.

Next weekend I'll go buy new honeysuckle. 

I think we've picked a new, second Japanese Maple - Summer Gold. It should be hardy and pretty and exactly the right size. It is Kate approved. It will also be too big for the rabbit to eat. 

Members of the British band Clash have given the go-ahead to Ukrainian musicians to turn their 1979 hit “London Calling” into a resistance anthem. The Clash title refers to BBC reports during World War II that began with the greeting: “London Calling.”

There is a world famous Ukrainian cat. Stepan has over 1 million followers on Instagram. The account went quiet for two weeks while Stepan and owner lived in a basement without electricity. There is a World Influencers and Bloggers Association! The association helped them get to France and rented an apartment for them. 

A Polish programmers collective reportedly linked to the notorious Anonymous hackers group has helped Americans and others around the world send millions of anti-war texts about the Ukraine invasion directly to the Russian people.

Anonymous is claiming responsibility for hacking into Russian CCTV surveillance cameras and superimposing messages like “Putin is killing children” on the camera scenes. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/squad303-anti-war-texts-to-russians_n_6233e78fe4b0f1e82c479d94

There is a convoy of UK fire trucks heading to Ukraine carrying thousands of pieces of equipment.

A Scottish woman is borrowing her parents' car and driving Ukrainian refugees from Poland to wherever they need to go. She's brought three families across Europe to safety and has received donations of £3,000 from friends and family. https://www.indy100.com/news/scotswoman-uses-parents-car-to-drive-ukrainian-refugees-to-safety?utm_content=Echobox&utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Facebook&fbclid=IwAR02QL4RinS6o3KWn5ja4SbDUETItrS2OiKBbfSAQ7Hn-XyiK4ExrkjLiMA#Echobox=1647716744

In Kyiv, the director and staff moved into the zoo to take care of the four thousand animals. Zoo Miami is one of the organizations helping by collecting tents, sleeping bags, and flashlights to help them in their stay in the zoo. 

A group of 135 Ukrainian refugees has arrived safely in Spain. A convoy of determined Spanish taxi drivers made the five-day trip of over 3,000 kilometers possible.

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