
Day Off!! 

I was up fairly early though, I needed the loo and just stayed up, chatting to Grace while she ate her breakfast before going to work. Then I had my breakfast, finished my latest book, got mail ready to send and just pottered around for a bit before deciding I really should get on with some cleaning as the place was like a tip.

It is the kitchen's week for a deep clean so I did that whilst listening to music from my phone - a mix playlist curated by Spotify featuring bands like Amon Amarth, Arch Enemy, Hammerfall, Sabaton etc. Nordic Power metal I suppose. I enjoyed it and it made doing the cleaning more bearable!

After I'd finished the kitchen and a bit of general tidying, hoovering etc. I went to send off the mail and get a few things from the Co-op. I had intended to take my camera and get a blip but it was raining and cold at the time.

I decided to Blip the little cat ornament I got from Jeri and family for Mothers' Day. It was in the shot I posted the other day but it is pretty small and hardly noticeable. I really like this little figurine!

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