Cherry Blossom.

Woke this morning with a sore back and hip so I've been hirpling around the house all day.  Couldn't think why it had happened but I did leg strengthening exercises last night and maybe that was it.  A lot of time brooding on the sofa over old people's mobiles.  My present mobile has been a disaster from the beginning. Things continually go wrong with it.  I've got on fine with previous mobiles so I'm toying with the idea of getting rid of my landline and using a basic mobile phone as my house phone instead.  In between brooding I've done the laundry as usual but not much else except photograph the blossom on my cherry tree. Usually it is humming with bees but it's still quite chilly and there's not a bee in sight.  But the sun is shining and I'm off for a quick walk down the Newton Road.  Well maybe a slow gentle one.

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