
Work was OK last night - not that busy but quite a few big orders. Sunday seems to be family take-away night around here. 

Virtually as soon as I got home a migraine started though. I'd hoped I'd seen the last of them for a while- sadly not! I had another this morning - that or the same one came back for another go! I took more Migraleve but I still don't feel fully right even now, seven hours later.

I have been over to my Dad's and booked his Covid Booster vaccine for him. They are no longer doing it through the GP surgery, he has to go to a pharmacy in town for it and he is saying he might not bother because of difficulties with parking nearby. 

I also had the business with the council to sort out. That was really straightforward over the phone as it turned out they had much of the information on record already. They just have to send a printed copy for him to sign and return, and that will be it hopefully. 

I took this shot on the walk to my Dad's house this morning. When it came to posting it my brain went into meltdown and forgot my Facebook password (The only way to get photos from my phone to the computer is to share to Facebook and save to the computer from there!) I still can't remember it. I'm hoping it will come back as I do not want to go through all the rigmarole of changing it!

I hope my head starts to feel normal again as I'm working tonight at Baggholme where everything is more complicated.

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