Any Regrets?

Well, It had to be done sooner or later, so today I did what I have been putting off for for weeks - the bureaucratic task of moving paper along...Yuk...I managed at last to organize my tax papers and deliver them to the tax accountant..finished filing a basket full of bills and receipts...and sent away some medical receipts for reimbursement... Whew! Dealing with paper is not my cup of tea..unless it is to make collages and cards and books ....

That left only enough time in my day to do a little knitting and finish reading my current book The Midnight Library for our book club meeting next week. I was the one who suggested we read it, so I was hoping it would live up to its hype! The topic of regrets and having a chance to relive a life by making different choices intrigued me, as well as the concept that the choices we make affect not only our lives but that of others in ways we have never considered...I thought the ideas around all that would make for a really interesting discussion...and after reading the book, I think it will..I will hold back my comments on the book itself though..that is another topic! 

Now I have to come up with a task or question to get that discussion started...ideas anyone? 

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